
Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel

Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel: Labour, Land and Occupation

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غير خيالي

نشرت الطبعة سنة 2012 باللّغة الإنجليزية

Leila Farsakh provides the first comprehensive analysis of the rise and fall of Palestinian labour flows to Israel. Highlighting the interdependence between Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land and the use of Palestinian labour, she shows how migration has been the result of evolving dynamics of Israeli occupation and the reality of Palestinian labour force growth. This study analyzes the pattern of Palestinian labour supply, the role of Israel’s territorial and economic policies in the Occupied Territories in releasing Palestinian labour from the land, and the nature of Israeli demand for Palestinian workers, especially in the construction sector where the majority of commuting labourers are concentrated. New light is shed on the growth...

كتب مشابهة

عن أحوال كتب الأطفال
Before Their Diaspora
From Haven to Conquest
Israel and Its Palestinian Citizens
The Naqab Bedouins
Palestinians in Israel
Beyond Chutzpah
The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation
The Gaza Strip
Losing Istanbul
Palestinian Citizens in Israel
مدينة الحجاج والأعيان والمحاشي
Les Palestiniens de l'intérieur

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مناهضة استعمار فلسطين

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