

Memoir of a Female Iraqi Doctor

Memoir of a Female Iraqi Doctor

Saniha Amin Zaki (Author)

Biography or Memoir

Edition published in 2015 in English language

As a girl of thirteen in Baghdad, Saniha Amin Zaki, whenever she was outside her house was covered, head to foot, with a black robe and was accompanied by a member of her family. But at sixteen she was enrolled in the Medical College, not wearing the veil and attending classes with male students. Six years later, she was Iraq's first Muslim female doctor. This courageous break with cultural tradition was the first independent step in her long rich life. This is the fascinating personal account of a woman who grew up in Iraq in the 1920's, the early years of the country's freedom from the Ottoman Empire and British Mandate rule. She lived through the unsettled years of Iraq's development into a modern state, with all its opposing factions...

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