
رشيدة ياسين

رشيدة ياسين

🇲🇦 المغرب

Rachida Yassine is professor of English and Cultural Studies at Ibn Zohr University, Morocco. She is the coordinator of the doctoral program in Race, Ethnicity, and Alterity in Literature and Culture and the director of the research team “Études Féminines au Sud du Maroc” at the Research Centre of Ibn Zohr University. She earned a Ph.D. in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies from the University of Nottingham, uk; an ma in Linguistics and Translation from the University of Bath, uk; an ma in English and American Literature, and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Comparative Literature from the University of Essex, uk. She is the author of Re-writing the Canon: Aspects of Identity Reconstitution in Postcolonial Contexts (2011). She has published...

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