
نبذات Hilda Twongyeirwe

لدى المؤلفة Hilda Twongyeirwe 3 نبذات على منصة كتب لي

العودة الى صفحة Hilda Twongyeirwe

النبذات باللّغة الإنجليزية

Twongyeirwe Hilda is an editor and has also published creative and non-fiction works in different anthologies and Journals. She is currently the Executive Director of FEMRITE - Uganda Women Writers Association. She is a recipient of 2018 National Medal and 2018 Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) Award, both for her contribution to Uganda's Literary Heritage and Women Emancipation. She is a member of The Graca Machel Trust Women in Media Network, Action for Development and FEMRITE.

Retrieved from: https://www.africanbookscollective.com/authors-editors/hilda-twongyeirwe

مصدر النبذة غير معروف.

Hilda Twongyeirwe is a Ugandan writer and editor. For ten years, she taught English language and literature in secondary school, before she retired to do development work in 2003. She is an editor, a published author of short stories and poetry, and a recipient of a National Medal of the government of Uganda in recognition of her contribution to women's Empowerment through Literary arts (2018). She is also a recipient of a Certificate of Recognition (2008) from the National Book Trust of Uganda ...

النبذة منقولة من موقع ويكيبيديا وقد عدّلت النبذة آخر مرة في شباط ٢٠٢٢.

النبذات باللّغة الفرنسية

Hilda Twongyeirwe est une écrivaine, notamment de nouvelles, de poésie, d'essais, et de livres pour enfants. Elle est aussi devenue une éditrice ougandaise, en tant que coordinatrice de l'organisation FEMRITE, après avoir participé à la fondation en 1995 de cette organisation de femmes construite pour faciliter la publication d'œuvres littéraires, et une meilleure reconnaissance des femmes créatrices dans le domaine littéraire. Éléments biographiques Elle est née dans le district de Kabale,...

النبذة منقولة من موقع ويكيبيديا وقد عدّلت النبذة آخر مرة في نيسان ٢٠٢٠.

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