
Ignacio Martín-Baró

Ignacio Martín-Baró

(تشرين الثاني ١٩٤٢ - تشرين الثاني ١٩٨٩)


Ignacio Martín-Baró (November 7, 1942 – November 16, 1989) was a scholar, social psychologist, philosopher and Jesuit priest who was born in Valladolid, Castilla y Leon, Spain and died in San Salvador, El Salvador. He was one of the victims of the 1989 murders of Jesuits in El Salvador. Academic career Martín-Baró entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus in Orduña, Spain, on September 28, 1959. Shortly after, he was transferred to the novitiate of Villagarcía and then sent to Central A...

النبذة منقولة من موقع ويكيبيديا وقد عدّلت النبذة آخر مرة في أيار ٢٠٢٤.

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