
نوال نصرالله

نوال نصرالله

🇮🇶 عراق

Nawal Nasrallah is an independent scholar, previously professor of English at the universities of Baghdad and Mosul. She has published books and articles on the history and culture of Middle-Eastern and Arab food, including Delights from the Garden of Eden (Authorhouse 3003, Equinox 2013), Dates: A Global History (Reaktion Books 2011), and English translations of medieval Arabic cookbooks, Annals of the Caliphs’ Kitchens (Brill 2007), Treasure Trove of Benefits and Varieties at the Table (Brill 2017), and Best of Delectable Foods and Dishes, by Andalusi scholar Ibn Razin al-Tujibi (Brill 2021).

النبذة متوفرة من قبل ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly.

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