
نبذات دينا الدسوقي

لدى المؤلفة دينا الدسوقي 2 نبذات على منصة كتب لي

العودة الى صفحة دينا الدسوقي

النبذات باللّغة العربية

النص غير متوفر

مصدر النبذة غير معروف.

النبذات باللّغة الإنجليزية

Dina El Dessouky was born in 1981 in Hamburg, Germany to parents from Cairo, Egypt. She immigrated to the United States at age three. Her family moved to northern California when she was eight, and France, Tahiti, Spain, and Hawai‘i have also been formative places for her; Dina is local to no particular landmass. Dina completed a doctorate in Literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her dissertation focuses on contemporary Indigenous Oceanic literature and activism. Dina’s work has appeared in Arabesques Review, Postcolonial Ecologies: Literatures of the Environment, and Kurungabaa: A Journal Of Literature, History, and Ideas from the Sea.

مصدر النبذة غير معروف.

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