
A Calf in the Valley of the Whales (1)

A Calf in the Valley of the Whales (1): (Egyptians and their Treasures)

Jailan Abbas (مؤلف/مؤلفة)

Aly Elziny (رسامة/رسام)

كتب الأطفال

A Calf in the Valley of the Whales (1) (Egyptians and their Treasures)

نشرت الطبعة سنة 2022 باللّغة الإنجليزية

This is an Arabic language picture book by Dr. Jailan Abbas illustrated by Aly ElZiny. The book is part of an educational series about the different governorates in Egypt and their unknown treasures.

The book has made it a point to punctuate all the letters to enable a proper grammatical reading of the Arabic language.

It's the perfect study tool for beginner Arabic language learners, discover the story of whales in Egypt through the young students, Dr. Morgan and the calf named "Hothot."

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