
Bye Bye Babylon

Bye Bye Babylon: Beirut 1975-1979

لمياء زيادة (مؤلف/مؤلفة)

نشرت الطبعة سنة 2011 باللّغة الإنجليزية

Beirut in the 1970s is a paradise. Wealthy families ride escalators and fill shopping carts with imported food and luxury products from Paris and New York. Lamia Ziadé, seven years old, dreams of banana splits, American candy, flying on Pan Am Airways, and visiting the local cinema. Considered by the elite the “Paris, Las Vegas or Monaco of the Middle East,” Beirut was in reality a powder keg, waiting for a spark. On April 13, 1975 Lamia and her family returned from lunch in the countryside to find a city in flames. Looking back on the golden days before the war, and its immediate, devastating effects, Bye Bye Babylon positions an elegiac and shocking narrative next to a child’s perspective of the years 1975–79: of consumer icons next to burning buildings, scenes of violence and sparkling new weapons painted in vivid Technicolor—war as pop. It is a unique graphic memoir, and an important visual record of a terrible war.

قوائم القراءة التي يظهر الكتاب بها

مذكرات المحليين: الحياة اليومية خلال الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية

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