
Where to Marie? Stories of Feminisms in Lebanon

Where to Marie? Stories of Feminisms in Lebanon


نشرت الطبعة سنة 2021 باللّغة الإنجليزية
Script: Bernadette Daou & Yazan Al-SaadiEnglish Translation: Lina MounzerArt:Razan Wehbi (The Meeting & The Flood)Rawand Issa (Marie's Story)Tracy Chahwan (Nidal's Story)Joan Baz (Haifa's Story)Sirene Moukheiber (Noora's Story)Book Design: Rawand IssaWeb Development: Layal KhatibPrefaceA repeated — and ironic — accusation leveled at feminist movements in Arab countries in general and Lebanon in particular is that they are vectors of westernization. In actual fact, the region's feminist movements were born and developed in the context of nationalist and communist movements and as part of the struggles for national liberation. Feminism was not a foreign ideology 'imposed' by colonialism, but was instead indigenous to our societies. Women have...
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