
Power and Resistance

Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking About Canadian Social Issues

Jessica Antony (محرر/محررة)

Les Samuelson (محرر/محررة)

Wayne Antony (محرر/محررة)

غير خيالي

نشرت الطبعة سنة 2022 باللّغة الإنجليزية

Power and Resistance debunks the dominant neoliberal, hyper-individualist approach to society’s problems that sees poverty as a result of laziness, environmental crises as a result of market demands for products that pollute, and Indigenous Peoples’ struggles as a result of not assimilating. We argue that it is social inequality and oppression that are the underlying causes of social problems. In a society like ours, powerful groups make choices that benefit them and force those choices onto others, creating life problems for others and society as a whole. The powerful also have influence over what is and is not called a “social problem.” Solving social problems requires changing the structures of inequality and oppression. For example,...

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