

Hala Sakakini

Hala Sakakini

(1924 - 2002)

🇵🇸 Palestine

A writer, educator daughter of Palestinian scholar, Khalil Sakakini, Hala was born in Jerusalem where she finished her elementary schooling during the 30s. During the Nakba of 1948, Hala left Qatamun quarter in Western Jerusalem with her family to Egypt. Later on, she returned to Ramallah, Palestine, where she taught in schools and in Birzeit University. Hala edited her father's memoirs under the title, “Katha Ana ya Dunia”, which was published in 1955. She also wrote a book titled, “Jerusalem and I; A Personal Record”, which we are discussing today, and another book titled, “Twosome”. Hala's personal memoirs are not yet published. In 1998, with the collaboration of her sister, Demia, and her Palestinian friends, Hala established Khalil Sakakini's Cultural Center in Ramallah.

Biography source is unknown.

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