

Biographies of Anne Nivat

Author Anne Nivat has 3 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Anne Nivat (born June 18, 1969) is a French journalist and war correspondent who has covered conflicts in Chechnya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. She is known for interviews and character portraits in print of civilians, especially women, and their experiences of war.

Anne Nivat is a French citizen who grew up in Haute-Savoie near the Swiss border and Geneva. Her father is Georges Nivat, who is a historian of Russia and translator of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and Nivat's mother taught her Russian. She is a resident of Paris and has also lived in Moscow.

Biography source is unknown.

Anne Nivat (born June 18, 1969 in Poisy) is a French journalist and war correspondent who has covered conflicts in Chechnya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. She is known for interviews and character portraits in print of civilians, especially women, and their experiences of war. Early life Anne Nivat is a French citizen who grew up in Haute-Savoie near the Swiss border and Geneva. Her father is Georges Nivat, who is a historian of Russia and translator of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and Nivat's mother tau...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on November 2023.

French biographies

Anne Nivat, née le 18 juin 1969 à Poisy (Haute-Savoie), est une journaliste et autrice française. Reporter de guerre, prix Albert-Londres en 2000, elle se spécialise depuis près de seize ans dans des zones sensibles (Tchétchénie, Irak, Afghanistan…), parfois clandestinement et toujours en indépendante, c'est-à-dire sans être salariée d'une rédaction, même si elle est publiée dans l'hebdomadaire Le Point depuis plus de dix ans. Biographie = Jeunesse et études = Fille de Georges Nivat, univers...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on March 2024.

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