

Daniele Djamila Amrane Minne

Daniele Djamila Amrane Minne

(August 1939 - Present)

🇩🇿 Algeria

See also Djamila Bouhired Danièle Minne (13 August 1939 at Neuilly-sur-Seine – February 2017) was one of the few European women convicted of assisting the FLN during the Algerian War. Her mother Jacqueline Netter-Minne-Guerroudj and her stepfather Abdelkader Guerroudj, were both condemned to death as accomplices of Fernand Iveton, the only European who was guillotined for his part in the Algerian revolt. Her mother was never executed, partly due to a campaign on her behalf conducted by Simone de...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on January 2024.

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