

Biographies of Brian Whitaker

Author Brian Whitaker has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Brian Whitaker is a British journalist and writer.He studied Arabic studies at the University of Westminster and Latin (BA Hons) at the University of Birmingham. A former joint investigations editor of The Sunday Times, he left the title at the time of the Wapping dispute. For a period during 1987, he was editor of the short-lived News on Sunday tabloid. The newspaper published extracts from Spycatcher by Peter Wright in August 1987 while Whitaker was editor. The title was eventually fined £50,000 in May 1989 for contempt of court in breaking an injunction upheld by the Law Lords shortly before publication.Whitaker worked for the British newspaper The Guardian from 1987 and was its Middle East editor from 2000 to 2007. He runs a personal, non-Guardian-related website, Al-Bab.com, about politics in the Arab world.

Biography source is unknown.

Brian Whitaker was Middle East editor at the Guardian for seven years and then an editor for the newspaper’s ‘Comment is Free’ website. He is the author of What’s Really Wrong with the Middle East and Unspeakable Love: Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East, which was shortlisted for the Lambda Literary Award in 2006. His website, www.al-bab.com, is devoted to Arab culture and politics.

Biography was provided by Saqi Books. Retrieved from here.

Brian Whitaker (sometimes credited as Brian Whittaker; born 13 June 1947) is a British journalist and writer. He studied Arabic studies at the University of Westminster and Latin (BA Hons) at the University of Birmingham. He started work as a graduate journalist with the Liverpool Echo in 1968. During his time in Liverpool, he set up the Liverpool Free Press in 1971 with four other Echo journalists. The paper specialised in investigative journalism and stories the more mainstream media would no...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on June 2024.

French biographies

Brian Whitaker (parfois crédité Brian Whittaker) est un journaliste et écrivain britannique né le 13 juin 1947. Études et début de carrière Il a suivi des études d'arabe à l'Université de Westminster et de latin (BA Hons) à l'Université de Birmingham. Il est ancien rédacteur en chef des enquêtes conjointes du Sunday Times, en 1987, il a été rédacteur en chef du tabloïd News on Sunday. Le journal publie des extraits du livre le Spycatcher de Peter Wright en août 1987 alors que Whitaker est r...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on March 2024.

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