

Malik Badri

Malik Badri

(February 1932 - February 2021)


Malik Babikr Badri Mohammed (Arabic: مالك بابكر بدري محمد) (16 February 1932 – 8 February 2021) was a Sudanese author and professor of psychology. He was the founder of the modern Islamic Psychology and published such influential books as The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists and many others. He was sometimes affectionately called Baba Malik. He died on February 8, 2021, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He was the son of Babikr Bedri who had established the Ahfad University. He was married with 7 childr...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on September 2023.

2 Books

Abu Zayd al-Balkhi's Sustenance of the Soul
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