

Biographies of Mahmoud Saeed

Author Mahmoud Saeed has 3 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Mahmoud Saeed was born in Mosul, Iraq, in 1938. In 1963 he was imprisoned on political charges for a year, to be followed by three years of suspension from employment. The detentions continued until his sixth and final incarceration in 1980. In 1985 Saeed emigrated to the United Arab Emirates, and since 1999 he has been a political refugee in the US. He has published nine books in Arabic and received many literary awards.

Biography was provided by Saqi Books. Retrieved from here.

Mahmoud Saeed (born 1939) is an Iraqi-born American novelist.Born in Mosul, Saeed has written more than twenty novels and short story collections, and hundreds of articles. He started writing short stories at an early age. He wrote an award-winning short story in the Newspaper "Fata Al-Iraq, Newspaper" in 1956. He published a collection of short stories, Port Saeed and other stories, in 1957. In 1963, the government after 1963 coup destroyed his two novel manuscripts one under review, "The Old C...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on March 2024.

Arabic biographies

محمود سعيد (مواليد 1939) كاتب وقاص وروائي عراقي، كتب أكثر من عشرين رواية ومجموعة قصص، وله كتابان في التاريخ وقواعد اللغة العربية غير مطبوعين، بدأ بكتابة القصة القصيرة في سن مبكرة، حاز على جائزة القصة القصيرة في جريدة فتى العراق سنة 1956م، وأصدر مجموعة قصص قصيرة: بورسعيد وقصص أخرى في عام 1957، أتلفت سلطة انقلاب الثامن من شباط 1963 روياتين له، ومنعت روايتاه الإيقاع والهاجس سنة 1968، وزنقة بن بركة 1970، من النشر، ظل ممنوعاً من النشر في العراق من قبل مديرية الشؤون الثقافية في بغداد، والتي منعت له رو...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on January 2024.

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