

Biographies of Dalene Matthee

Author Dalene Matthee has 3 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Dalene Matthee (13 October 1938 – 20 February 2005) was a South African author best known for her four "Forest Novels", written in and around the Knysna Forest. Her books have been translated into fourteen languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew and Icelandic, and over a million copies have been sold worldwide. Biography She was born Dalena Scott in Riversdale in the then Cape Province in 1938. After graduating from the local high school in 1957, she studied mu...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on January 2024.

French biographies

Dalene Matthee (née Dalene Scott le 13 octobre 1938 à Riversdale, Province du Cap en Afrique du Sud et morte le 20 février 2005 à Mossel Bay, province du Cap-Occidental en Afrique du Sud) est une romancière sud-africaine d'expression afrikaans. Elle est notamment connue pour ses œuvres inspirées par la forêt de Knysna. Ses livres ont été traduits en quatorze langues, dont l'anglais, le français, l'allemand, l'espagnol, l'italien, l'hébreu et l'islandais, et plus d'un million d'exemplaires ont é...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on January 2022.

Arabic biographies

"دالين ماتي (2005-1938) هي مؤلفة 13 كتابا و ذاع صيتها لرباعيتها "كتب الغابة" التي تقع أحداثها في غابات كنسيا: "حلقات في الغابة"، "طفل فيلا"، " غابة مالبيري"، "حلم الغابة". حققت روايتها"طفل فيلا" شهرة واسعة فحازت على العديد من الجوائز وتحولت إلى فيلم سينمائي، كما ترجمت أعمالها إلى العديد من اللغات. نشر لها مركز المحروسة رواية "طفل فيلا"

Biography was provided by Mahrousa. Retrieved from here.

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