

Biographies of Mohamed Makhzangi

Author Mohamed Makhzangi has 2 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Mohamed Makhzangi is an Egyptian doctor and writer, born in Mansoura. He studied medicine and specialized in psychology and alternative medicine. In 1986, Makhzangi gave up on medicine to become a journalist and writer. He worked for the Kuwaiti arts and culture magazine Al-Arabi before moving back to Cairo. He has published a number of short story collections and novels. 

Biography was provided by ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly.

Arabic biographies

أديب وكاتب مصري بارز. عمل طبيبًا للأمراض النفسية والعصبية، قبل أن يتفرغ للكتابة الإبداعية. صدر له عدة مجموعات قصصية. والدكتور المخزنجي أحد كتاب مجلة الإنساني منذ انطلاقها في العام 1998.

Biography was retrieved from here.

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