

Biographies of Mohammad el-Mahdi el-Majzoub

Author Mohammad el-Mahdi el-Majzoub has 3 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majdhub (Arabic: محمد المهدي المجذوب ; 1919 - 3 March 1982), also spelled al-Maghut or al-Majzoub, was a renowned Sudanese poet. He is widely recognised as one of the pioneers in Sudanese poetry and is credited with being one of the first poets of Sudanese Arabic poetry and "Sudanism". His contributions to Sudanese literature have left a lasting impact on the poetic landscape of the country. Early life and education Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majdhub was born in 1919 in al-Dam...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on August 2023.

Muhammad el-Mahdi el-Magzoub (1919–1982) was born in El-Damar, northern Sudan, to a renowned Sufi family. He graduated from the School of Accountancy at Gordon Memorial College (now the University of Khartoum). El-Magzoub was a transgenerational poet who tackled virtually all forms of poetry, from the classical to taf ’ila all the way to prose poetry. He is widely regarded as the godfather of the “Jungle and the Desert” group, which espoused a third way apart from the Arabism and Africanism in Sudanese culture. El-Magzoub left behind ten collections of poetry.

Biography was provided by ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly.

Arabic biographies

محمد المهدي المجذوب (1919 - 1982) شاعر سوداني ولد بمدينة الدامر بالولاية الشمالية، ويعد من المجددين في الشعر العربي والسوداني ومن جيل ما بعد رواد النهضة الشعرية السودانية والعربية مباشرة. نسبه وتعليمه وعمله والده هو الشيخ المتصوف المعروف بالسودان محمد المجذوب المنتمي لقبيلة الجعليين من قبائل الشمال الأوسط السوداني. ومثله مثل أقرانه فقد دفع به إلى خلوة والده وهو صغير فتعلم فيها القراءة والكتابة وعلوم القرآن، ثم ارتحل إلى الخرطوم للتحصيل المدرسي، والتحق بكلية غردون التذكارية وتخرج من قسم المكتب...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on May 2023.

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