

Biographies of Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Author Yassmin Abdel-Magied has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Yassmin Abdel-Magied is a Sudanese-Australian writer, broadcaster, and award-winning social advocate. Yassmin trained as a mechanical engineer and worked on oil and gas rigs for years before becoming a writer and broadcaster. She published her memoir, Yassmin's Story , at age 24, and followed up with her first fiction book for younger readers, You Must Be Layla , in 2019. Yassmin's critically acclaimed essays have been published in the Griffith Review , It's Not About The Burqa, and The New Daughters of Africa . Yassmin founded her first organization, Youth Without Borders, at the age of 16, leading it for nine years. Since then, Yassmin has co-founded two other organizations and now shares her learnings through keynotes and workshops. Yassmin has spoken in over 20 countries on unconscious bias and inclusive leadership. Her TED Talk, What does my headscarf mean to you , has been viewed over two million times and was one of TED's top 10 ideas of 2015.

Biography source is unknown.

Yassmin Abdel-Magied is a Sudanese–Australian media presenter and writer, who had an early career as a mechanical engineer. She was named Young Queenslander of the Year in 2010 and Queensland Australian of the Year in 2015 for her engagement in community work. Abdel-Magied has been based in the United Kingdom since 2017, after her comments about Sharia on TV and a social media post on Anzac Day led to her being widely attacked in Australian media, a petition calling for her sacking from ABC TV, ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on February 2024.

Arabic biographies

ياسمين مدحت عبد المجيد هي كاتبة ومهندسة ميكانيكية سودانية-أسترالية، تعمل في المملكة المتحدة منذ عام 2017. وهي معروفة أيضًا في أستراليا بسبب المشاركات الإعلامية فيما يتعلق بالشريعة ويوم أنزاك.

Biography source is unknown.

ياسمين مدحت عبد المجيد (بالإنجليزية: Yassmin Abdel-Magied)‏ هي كاتبة ومهندسة ميكانيكية سودانية-أسترالية، تعمل في المملكة المتحدة منذ عام 2017. وهي معروفة أيضًا في أستراليا بسبب المشاركات الإعلامية فيما يتعلق بالشريعة ويوم أنزاك. الحياة المبكرة ولدت ياسمين عبد المجيد في الخرطوم بالسودان. انتقلت مع والديها إلى بريزبان في أستراليا عند بلوغها 18 عامًا من العمر في أواخر عام 1992. كان ذلك بعد الانقلاب السوداني عام 1989 الذي أطاح فيه الجيش الإسلامي بالحكومة المنتخبة ديمقراطيا وأصدر قوانين صارمة، مثل...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on February 2024.

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