

Biographies of Ahmed Naji

Author Ahmed Naji has 3 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Ahmed Naji (born 15 September 1985) (Arabic: أحمد ناجي) is an Egyptian journalist and literary novelist. He was born in Mansoura. He has written numerous journalistic and critical articles and published three books: Rogers (2007), Seven Lessons Learned from Ahmed Makky (2009), and The Use of Life (2014). The latter book resulted in his being jailed in Egypt in 2016 for "violating public modesty," due to its sexual content and drug references, marking the first time in modern Egypt that an author...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on September 2023.

French biographies

Ahmed Naji ou Ahmed Naği (arabe : أحمد ناجي) est un romancier et journaliste égyptien né en 1985. Biographie Il est né en 1985 à Mansourah. Son père est pédiatre, mais lui préfère la lecture de romans et de bandes dessinées. À seize ans, il s'inscrit à l'école de journalisme du Caire. Carrière Il est l'auteur de nouvelles et de plusieurs romans : Rogers (2007), Seven Lessons Learned from Ahmed Makky (2009), The Use of Life (« stikhdam Al-Hayat », 2014), Tigers to my Room (2020) et Happy E...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on September 2023.

Arabic biographies

(1985-..) أحمد ناجى كاتب وصحفي مصري، مواليد مدينة المنصورة 1985. عمل في مجال الصحافة الثقافية منذ عام 2004، دخل السجن عام 2016 بتهمة خدش الحياء العام بسبب نشر فصل من روايته استخدام الحياة، مقيم حالياً في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. صدر له روايات: روجرز، استخدام الحياة. ومجموعة قصصية واحدة "لغز المهرجان المشطور" .صدر له رواية "النمور لحجرتي" عن دار المحروسة.

Biography was provided by Mahrousa. Retrieved from here.

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