

Samah Idriss

Samah Idriss

(October 1961 - November 2021)

🇱🇧 Lebanon

Samah received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in New York in Middle Eastern studies, a MA from the American University of Beirut in Arabic literature, and a BA from the same university in economics. He is the author of two books on literary criticism: "Raif Khoury and the Heritage of the Arabs" and "The Arab Intellectual and the Authority: Research on the Narratives of the Nazareth Experience". He has 7 children's books, and four novels for girls and boys. He has authored hundreds of articles on politics, literature, language, and children's literature. Translated dozens of articles, and 4 books (two of them with Ayman Haddad). Editor-in-chief of Al-Adab magazine (1992-...). One of the principal authors of a huge Arabic-Arabic dictionary...

Biography source is unknown.

14 Books

البنت الشقراء
عالم يسع الجميع
طابتي الذكيّة

4 Contributions

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