

Between Arab and Israeli

Between Arab and Israeli

Eedson Louis Millard Burns (Author)

Academic Books, Reference Texts, and Textbooks

الصراع العربي- الإسرائيلي

Edition published in 1969 in English language
this is a reprint of the memoirs of lieutenant-general eedson louis millard burns that were first published by harrap (london) in 1962, burns, who served as chief of staff of the united nations truce ‎ supervision organization (untso), established under the 1949 general armistice agreements ‎ to supervise peace in the middle east, gives an authoritative account of the workings ‎of untso during 1954-1956, which witnessed the israeli invasion of the sinai and ‎the suez war. when the un set up an emergency force to supervise the withdrawal ‎of troops from these areas, burns was appointed its commander. the book is an eyewitness account of the events which followed the established of israel and led to the ‎suez war.‎
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