

This Arab is Queer

This Arab is Queer: An Anthology by LGBTQ+ Arab Writers

Elias Jahshan (Author)

Reported Narrative


Edition published in 2022 in English language

‘We will repeat it often in the months that follow, to friends who were not there, to sceptics, to ourselves: in that moment, it felt like pride.’

For the first time, LGBTQ+ Arabs come together to share their personal stories of hope, struggle and love.

This ground-breaking anthology features the searingly honest and moving memoirs of eighteen queer Arab writers – some internationally bestselling, others using pseudonyms. Here, we find heart-warming connections and moments of celebration, alongside essays exploring the challenges of being LGBTQ+ and Arab.

From a military base in the Gulf to whispers between lovers caught between the bedsheets; and from a concert in Cairo where the rainbow flag was raised to a crowd...

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