

Min Fami

Min Fami: Arab Feminist Reflections on Identity, Space and Resistance

Ghada Chehade (Author)

Lana Nasser (Author)

Laylan Saadaldin (Author)

Dina El Dessouky (Author)

Laila Suidan (Author)

Amal Eqeiq (Author)

Samira Saraya (Author)

Christine Rezk (Author)

Abdelmajid Ridouane (Author)

Jihan Rabah (Author)

Shahd Wadi (Author)

Nawar Al-Hassan Golley (Author)

Azza Abbaro (Author)

Hassan Zrizi (Author)

Miralย al-Tahawy (Author)

Salam Jeghbir (Author)

Maha Zimmo (Author)

Ghaida Moussa (Editor)

Laila Ait Bouchtba (Author)

Jacinthe A. Assaad (Author)

Rauda Morcos (Author)

Rawia Sabella (Author)

Nehal El-Hadi (Author)

Rachida Yassine (Author)

Afaf (Effat) Jamil Khogeer (Author)

Amal El-Mohtar (Author)

Maha Sallam (Author)

Ghadeer Malek (Editor)

Nayrouz Abu Hatoum (Author)

Yafa Jarrar (Author)

Biography or Memoir

Edition published in 2014 in English language

Min Fami: Arab Feminist Reflections on Identity, Space, and Resistanceย is an anthology that cradles the thoughts of Arab feminists, articulated through personal critical narratives, academic essays, poetry, short stories, and visual art. It is a meeting space where discussions on home(land), exile, feminism, borders, gender and sexual identity, solidarity, language, creative resistance, and (de)colonization are shared, confronted, and subverted. In a world that has increasingly found monolithic and one-dimensional ways of representing Arab womyn, this anthology comes as an alternate space in which we connect on the basis of our shared identities, despite physical, theoretical, and metaphorical distances, to celebrate our multiple voices, honour our ancestry, and build community on our own terms, and in our own voices.

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