

The Lady of Zamalek

The Lady of Zamalek

Ashraf El-Ashmawi (Author)

Peter Daniel (Translator)


Six-Day War

Egyptian revolution of 1952

Edition published in 2021 in English language
It was in the spring of 1927 that Cairo’s attention was captured by the shocking murder of prominent businessman Solomon Cicurel in his Nile-side villa in the upscale Zamalek district. It was a burglary that went wrong and four culprits were soon arrested. Their trial was concluded swiftly, their punishments were decisive, and society breathed a sigh of relief.In Ashraf El-Ashmawi’s telling, however, there was a fifth accomplice, Abbas, who escaped back to his home in the countryside to lay low until the murder trial blew over. He had not left empty-handed and had kept some documents from Cicurel’s villa, ones that he realized would lead him to a hidden safe.Abbas hatched a plan to return to the capital, find the safe, and make his fortune....

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