

Crime: Summer 2020

العدد 6 من مجلة ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly

David Kanbergs


In this issue of the ground-breaking ARABLIT QUARTERLY, we feature works about crime and crime-writing, from crimes of state to petty theft, from tenth-century noir to crime-puzzles out of 1940s Egyptian magazines all the way to contemporary crimes. We have the most wonderfully weird crime story from the whole of the tenth century, a dictionary of crime from the early thirteenth century, and a poem about the Banu Sassan. From the twentieth century, there's an “Arsène Lupin” story by Sonallah Ibrahim -- which was written in prison -- two stories from Iraq where ordinary behaviors are criminalized, as well as a literary playlist to pair with the short-story collection "Palestine + 100," results from our #ArabicTranslationChallenge, and much more . . . .

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