

Lebanon - reading lists

11 lists on ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ง Lebanon containing books of different genres and topics are present on kotobli

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Womenโ€™s Stories during the Lebanese Civil War: Centering Beirut Decentrists

20 books |

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Memoirs of locals: daily life under the Lebanese Civil War

10 books |

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Facts & Analysis: Understanding the multifaceted histories of the Lebanese Civil War

12 books |

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Fiction novels with the Lebanese Civil War as a backdrop

31 books |

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Poetry, photos, posters, and cinema: the Lebanese Civil War through artistsโ€™ eyes

7 books |

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The Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature

27 books |

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Queerness in the SWANA region

35 books |

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Food books from the Levant

23 books |

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Biographies and Memoirs of Arab Women

102 books |

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The Life and Work of May Ziadeh

21 books |

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Contemporary Arab Literature for the Leila Miqdadi Al-Qattan Library

19 books |

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