
Losing Istanbul

Losing Istanbul: Arab-Ottoman Imperialists and the End of Empire

مصطفى الميناوي (مؤلف/مؤلفة)

غير خيالي

🇧🇬 بلغاريا

🇪🇹 إثيوبيا

🇩🇯 جيبوتي

🇸🇴 الصومال

نشرت الطبعة سنة 2022 باللّغة الإنجليزية

Losing Istanbul offers an intimate history of empire, following the rise and fall of a generation of Arab-Ottoman imperialists living in Istanbul. Mostafa Minawi shows how these men and women negotiated their loyalties and guarded their privileges through a microhistorical study of the changing social, political, and cultural currents between 1878 and the First World War. He narrates lives lived in these turbulent times—the joys and fears, triumphs and losses, pride and prejudices—while focusing on the complex dynamics of ethnicity and race in an increasingly Turco-centric imperial capital.

كتب مشابهة

The People Want
عن أحوال كتب الأطفال
تطور المجتمع السوري
Before Their Diaspora
From Haven To Conquest
Israel and Its Palestinian Citizens
The Naqab Bedouins
Palestinians in Israel
Beyond Chutzpah
Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel
The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation
The Gaza Strip
The Ottoman Scramble for Africa
The Private World of Ottoman Women
Palestinian Citizens in Israel
مدينة الحجاج والأعيان والمحاشي
Les Palestiniens de l'intérieur
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